

ChatSupport dashboard screenshot

ChatSupport is a text chat support application that helps businesses connect with their customers and thereby increase their customer satisfaction

This application consists of three separate programs: front end for the customers, front end for the support and the backend.

I was responsible for the application's architecture and the backend. The backend consists of: a websocket API for forwarding messages to the clients, and JWT-based authentication system and a database for storing all of the necessary data such as: user credentials, messages, teams and support cases.

Check the database design in the link below.

Database design: https://app.lucidchart.com/documents/view/90f885ff-8628-4c9f-997f-c108848cf4fe

Architecture: https://app.lucidchart.com/documents/view/0b40a9d2-315e-4a2a-b575-74987b35b5fe

Technologies used for the backend

Server: Express (Javascript)

Authentication: JWT (Custom built solution)

Database: PostgreSQL

Websocket (For chatting): Socket.io

  • Sign Up - 0:00
  • Request support - 0:37
  • Help customer - 0:54
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